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Upcoming events as of 10/2/2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Plan on spending a lot of time at the Rathskeller this week enjoying good food and good friends.
On Friday, October 6, from 5:30-7:30 we will be serving our delicious 14-ounce ribeye steak dinner with baked potato, tossed salad, and more for just $25.  Get together with a friend and sign up for an one-hour work shift setting up, delivering meals, or cleaning up.
Come back on Sunday, October 8, from 9:00-11:00 for a great Bloody Mary breakfast.  You get eggs and pancakes cooked to order along with a long list of side dishes for $12.  Sides include bacon, sausage, hash browns, creamed chipped beef, sausage gravy, grits, scrapple, biscuits, and puffs.
***We really need folks to step up to the plate Sunday because we will be without our superstar volunteers, Dwight Barnes and Barbara Peyton.  Please follow this link to set up tables, deliver meals, or wash dishes.
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.
Board of Trustees
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NFL Sundays and BMB 10/8

Just a reminder, we have the Sunday NFL package on our six TVs.  Come cheer on your favorite NFL team and join your brothers and sisters for a day of football, fellowship and food.  But we still need cooks to volunteer.  Pick a Sunday and make your favorite tailgate food to share. Sign up sheet is on the post by the bar.
And, finally, remember there will be no Friday night meal and the Bloody Mary breakfast has been moved to next Sunday, October 8.
The Board appreciates all who have volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.
Board of Trustees
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FOE 871 Picnic 9/30/2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Our Annual Picnic is this Saturday, September 30, from 12:00-5:00 at Fort Hunt Park, Pavilion B, off the George Washington Parkway.  Join us for hamburgers, hot dogs, steak bites, potato salad, chips, beer, wine, soda, and more.  Please bring a side dish or dessert if you can.  We will have raffles, corn hole, t-shirts for sale, and games for the children.  Free to members --  bring your membership card -- and $10 for guests.
The picnic is a really fun event, but it takes lots of hands to pull it off.  We need help loading the trucks starting at 10:00 at the Aerie.  Once we're at the park, we need people to set up the food and drink tables; grillmasters to cook dogs, burgers and steak bites; and then to pack up the trucks at 5:00 to return to the Aerie.  
The Rathskeller will be closed during the picnic. 
Please see the signup volunteer link on the events page. 

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State Golf Tourney Info

Brothers and Sisters,
A message from Culpeper Eagles regarding the upcoming tournament September 25th.
Can you please send to all VA aeries and Aux. I need anyone who wants to play in state golf tournament player information no later than Friday 9/22/23.  They can simply call or text me at 301-710-7963. Anyone interested in playing please call or text me. Thank you 

Jovan “Joe” Torbic Jr
Aerie Secretary Aerie 4551
301-710-7963 call/text
PO Box 1772
Culpeper, VA 22701
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FOE 871 Ladies Auxiliary event dates

The Ladies Auxiliary Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm

Joint Officers (Aerie’s and Ladies Auxiliary) Meetings:

October 19, 2023 @7pm
January 11, 2023 @7pm

The Ladies Auxiliary Spaghetti Dinners are the 2nd Friday of every other month:

November 10, 2023
January 12, 2024
March 8,2024
May 10, 2024
July 12, 2024
September 13, 2024
November 8, 2024

The Shrimp & Wing Dinners are the 4th Friday of each month:

Ladies Auxiliary is responsible for selling desserts, 50/50 tickets and providing two food runners (1 for each shift).

The Ladies Auxiliary 5th Friday Dinners (Menu TBD):

March 29, 2024
August 30, 2024
Pamela Ferguson 


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Shrimp and wing night and more!

Brothers and Sisters,
Join us this Friday, September 22, from 5:30-7:30 for a delicious dinner.  Steamed or fried shrimp, chicken wings, corn and slaw for $10-$15 depending on your order.  Follow this link to sign up for a one-hour shift to set up, serve meals, or clean up.
And be sure to mark your calendar for next Saturday, September 30, for the annual picnic at Ft. Hunt Park, Pavilion B, from 1:00-5:00.  Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, beer, wine and soda  Free to members and $10 for guests.
Board of Trustees
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Food Drive - 9/25-10/31

Brothers and Sisters,
We will be conducting our annual non perishable food drive from September 25th to October 31st. 
There will be a box in the Rathskeller for these items.
As always, we appreciate your support.
Dee Dee Hodge
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Upcoming September Events

Brothers and Sisters,
We have several more events planned for September, and we hope you can join us for all of them.
Friday, September 15, 5:30-7:30.   Delicious 14-ounce ribeye steak with baked potato, salad and more for just $25.  Can you help by making salad, serving meals, or cleaning up?
Friday, September 22, 5:30-7:30.  Shrimp, fried or spiced, chicken wings, coleslaw, and corn for $10-$15 depending on order.  As always, we need folks to help set up and take plates to the diners. VoluntEAGLES: Shrimp & Wing Night -- September 22 (
Saturday, September 30, 12:00-5:00, Fort Hunt Park, Pavilion B.  Enjoy hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, complimentary beverages, and games.  Side dishes and desserts are welcome.  FOE 871 t-shirts will be available for purchase for $15. The event is free to members and $10 for guests.  This event requires lots of hands!
NOTE:  October's Bloody Mary breakfast will be held on the SECOND Sunday, October 8.  After that, we will resume our usual schedule of the first Sunday of the month.
The Board appreciates everyone who has volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.
Board of Trustees

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Walk to Bust Cancer - 10/25/2023

Please join us in the fight to bust Cancer!

The Eighth Annual  Walk to Bust Cancer  will be held in person on  Sunday, October 15th, 2023 at Fort Hunt Park.   

Get your pink out and put your teams together!

For registration questions, email  Sponsorship questions can be sent to



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Need help and BMB date change

Brothers and Sisters,
We need just a little more help with this Friday night's steak dinner. Can you help us? VoluntEAGLES: Steak Night - September 1 (
Remember that September's Bloody Mary Breakfast (BMB) has been moved to September 10 due to our cooks' schedules. Happy Labor Day! VoluntEAGLES: Bloody Mary Breakfast -- September 10 (
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.
Board of Trustees
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Sock Hop Tonight 8/28/2023

Hello Rock n Rollers! Tonight at the Eagles, a fabulous 50s Sock Hop! Starting at 8:00 come do the Mashed Potato and the Twist as we play some of the greatest music of the 20th century! Wear your poodle skirts as you compete for fabulous prizes in a hula hoop contest. And it's a potluck, so bring a 50s inspired dish! See you there cool cats!

          Dana Shafie 

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Need cook support!

Brothers and Sisters,
We are in need of rotating cooks for Bloody Mary Breakfast. This would be on occasion when our regular cooks are unavailable.
If you have skills and can help out, please contact Beverly Bell at:
Thank you for your continued support.
Dee Dee Hodge
Worthy Secretary 
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Updates and Thanks!

Brothers and Sisters,

Thanks to everyone who came to the Aerie last Saturday for the Crab Feast. 102 diners enjoyed crabs, hotdogs, hamburgers, hush puppies, and corn. Special thanks to the folks who helped set up the hall, prepare food, serve crabs, and clean up.
Looking forward, we have more events that members should put on their calendars.
This Friday, August 25, we are serving shrimp (spiced or fried), wings, coleslaw and corn from 5:30-7:30. Prices from $10-$15 depending on your order. Sign up here for a short shift to help with prep, serving, or cleanup. VoluntEAGLES: Shrimp & Wing Night - August 25 (
Next Friday, September 1, is steak night with our delicious 14-ounce ribeye, baked potato, salad, sauteed mushrooms and onions. All for just $25. Again, we need your help.
NOTE: September's Bloody Mary Breakfast has been moved to September 10 due to our cooks' schedules. The Board of Trustees encourages any interested members to come in for a breakfast to learn what is involved. We need to broaden our bench of chefs!
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.
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