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Steak Dinner 9/6/2024 and more

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We're serving a delicious New York strip dinner Friday night, September 6, from 5:30-7:30. Enjoy a steak, baked potato, tossed salad, and sauteed mushrooms and onions for just $20.  Can you donate an hour of your time to help us set up, serve meals, or clean up?  Follow this link to sign up. VoluntEAGLES: Steak Night - September 6, 2024
Remember that volunteers are invited to submit the name of their favorite charity for a $500 contribution from an anonymous brother.  Names are drawn at the end of the month; if your nominee is chosen, they will receive $500.
Other Events in September
Friday, September 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m.  We're looking for a member to cook up something delicious.  Nothing fancy.  Tacos, chili, sloppy joes, etc. are welcome. Contact a trustee or send an email to if interested.
Friday, September 20, 5:30-7:30 p.m.  Grilled Pork Chop Dinner.  
Saturday, September 21, 12:00-5:00 p.m.  Annual Picnic at Fort Hunt Park.
Friday, September 27, 5:30-7:30 p.m.  Shrimp and Chicken Wing Dinner.
The Board of Trustees appreciates all who have volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.
Board of Trustees


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No Friday dinner 8/30/24

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We will not be serving dinner Friday night at the Aerie.  Please consider offering to cook on a second or fifth Friday of the month when we don't have trustee sponsored meals. It doesn't have to be anything fancy.  Tacos, chili, sloppy joes are all very welcome by our members!
Do plan to come down Sunday morning between 9:00-11:00 a.m. for the best Bloody Mary breakfast in town.  More food than you can eat for just $15 for adults, $5 for kids.  We could use a few more volunteers so please let us know if you can help.  VoluntEAGLES: Bloody Mary Breakfast -- September 1, 2024 (
The Aerie will be open regular hours on Labor Day Monday.
Board of Trustees
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Updating By-laws and House Rules


We are in the process of updating our By-Laws and House Rules.They need to be read at three different General Meetings which start at 7:00 on each of the following dates. 

The first reading will be September 4th.  There will be no discussion about the By-Laws or House Rules. 

Second reading will be September 18th, again no discussion.

Third and final reading will be October 2nd. At this time we will discuss the proposed changes.

Neither the By-Laws nor the House Rules will not be emailed, posted on the website, or bulletin board.

You will need to come to the meeting to know and discuss proposed changes.

Thank you and hope to see you at the meeting(s).


Dee Dee Hodge
Worthy Secretary

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Cook needed 8/30 & more

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We're still looking for a member to cook this Friday, August 30.  What about you?  Get together with friends and whip up something we can all enjoy.  Contact us at if interested.
Friday may be in doubt, but Bloody Mary Breakfast is definitely on for Sunday, September 1.  Join us between 9:00-11:00 a.m. for the best breakfast in town for just $15 for adults, $5 for kids.  Eggs cooked to order, sausage, bacon, pancakes, hash browns, grits, puffs and more.  All that food requires a lot of hands.  Please let us know when you can help.
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.  We can't offer all the fun events without you.
Board of Trustees
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Shrimp and Wing Night 8/23/2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Chicken wings and shrimp are on the menu Friday, August 23, from 5:30-7:30 pm.  Enjoy your choice of shrimp spiced or fried, wings, or a combo with sides for $12-$15 depending on your order.  And sign up for an hour's shift to help set up tables, prepare food, serve diners, or clean up.  VoluntEAGLES: Shrimp & Wing Night -- August 23, 2024 
Next week we have a "fifth" Friday, August 30, which means there is no planned menu.  Who wants to show off their favorite recipe and provide a meal to their brothers and sisters?  Contact a trustee in person or at
Thanks to everyone who came out for last Saturday's Crab Feast.  Over seventy five people enjoyed crabs, hotdogs, hamburgers followed by Brother Shafie's fabulous vinyl records that night..  We're especially grateful to the 19 members (and seven trustees and officers) who helped set up the room, carry crab bushels upstairs, serve food, or clean up. Never was the saying "many hands make light work" more true that on Saturday.
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.
Board of Trustees
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Crab fest! Help Needed

Brothers and Sisters,
Almost no one has signed up to work at the Crab Feast this Saturday! This is a labor intensive event, and we must have help from the members to pull it together.
There are a number of tasks and time slots from 10:00-6:00so you should be able to find something that works for your schedule. Will you please help?
Board of Trustees
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Horseshoe Tourney 8/17/2024

Brothers and Sisters,
This Saturday, August 17th Winchester will be hosting the 2025 VA State Horseshoe Tournament. GAIG Rock Ruark is looking for a partner. Sign up is from 9:00 to 9:45. Start Time is 10:00. This is a bring your own partner doubles event.
Must have your membership card to play.
No coolers please as they will have beer and drinks for sale.
Lunch will be provided in entry fee. $30.00 per team.
If interested please contact Rock directly at
Dee Dee Hodge
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Crab Fest and pork chops

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The crabs are back and they are big and sweet as ever!  Get your fill this Saturday, August 17, from 1:00-:5:00 in the upstairs hall.  Tickets are available for purchase from the bartender for $50 until Friday.  Tickets at the door for crabs are $55; hamburgers and hotdogs only are $10. Continue the fun in the Rathskeller where Brother and DJ Extraordinaire Dana Shafie will be spinning records to dance the night away. Thanks to Grover Gaming for subsidizing this event so we can keep the prices low.
The Crab Feast is one of our most popular events, but it takes a lot of work. Please sign up for a one to two hour shift to help out.  Lots of tasks and time slots so you can choose what works best for you.  VoluntEAGLES: Crab Feast -- August 17, 2024 (
Start the weekend with grilled pork chops and sides for $15 on Friday, August 16, from 5:30-7:30. Can you help out?  VoluntEAGLES: Grilled Pork Chop Dinner -- August 16, 2024 (
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has helped in the past and those who continue to do so.
Board of Trustees


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August events 2024!!

Brothers and Sisters,


Please see list below of updates & upcoming August events at the Aerie….



No volunteers stepped up to cook so as of now, there likely will not be a meal this Friday- August 9th.If you would like to volunteer to cook a meal – the Next open Friday dinner slot is August 30th. If you would like to support the Aerie and volunteer to cook - talk to a trustee to sign up



Next Thursday, the rathskeller will open late at 1:00pm



Grilled pork chops and sides for $15. 5:30-7:30pm. . VoluntEAGLES: Grilled Pork Chop Dinner -- August 16, 2024 (



Reminder: The Annual Crab Pick is Saturday, August 17th-1:00-5:00pm with music to follow in the Rathskeller. Tickets for all-you-care-to-eat crabs and sides are available for purchase from the bartender for $50 until August 16. Tickets the day of are $55. VoluntEAGLES: Crab Feast -- August 17, 2024 (



5:30pm – 7:30pm. $12-$15 depending on order. VoluntEAGLES: Shrimp & Wing Night -- August 23, 2024 (



We still have up to 6 slots available in a charity golf outing the Aerie is supporting on Monday, August 26th at Westfield County Club- if you would like to play or organize a foursome, please let a trustee know.


Another volunteer opportunity. Who would like to cook???


The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.


Board of Trustees

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Help needed!!!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We need more help in order to offer our Friday steak dinner and Bloody Mary breakfast on Sunday.  Without volunteers we cannot host these meals which members enjoy.  Please sign up for a short shift and nominate your favorite charity for a $500 donation.
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.
Board of Trustees
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Foundation for Women’s Cancer Golf Event

Brothers and Sisters,
The Aerie made a recent donation to The Foundation for Women’s Cancer annual golf event.
We have two Foursomes available to fill- if you are interested in either putting a foursome together or just playing- let a trustee know (RSVPs are due by August 21)
The tourney info is as follows: 
The Foundation for Women’s Cancer
22nd Annual Charity Golf Event
Benefiting Gynecologic Cancer Research and Awareness
Co-Chairs Mark & Paige Anderson and Tom Hammond
Monday, August 26, 2024
Westfield Golf Club
13940 Balmoral Greens Ave.
Clifton, VA 20124
7:30AM Registration | 8:30AM Shotgun Start
Includes: 18 holes with cart, unlimited range balls, use of practice facility , lunch, and prizes.

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August 2024! See you there!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
There will be a lot of good food at the Aerie this weekend. Remember that we rely on help from our wonderful members to make these meals possible, so please sign up for a one-hour shift so we can continue to host these great events we all enjoy.  Each volunteer can submit the name of a charity to be eligible for a $500 contribution from a generous member.  
Join us on Friday, August 2, from 5:30-7:30 for a 12-ounce New York strip steak (unmarinated) with baked potato, tossed salad and more for $20.  VoluntEAGLES: Steak Night - August 2, 2024 (
Then come back on Sunday, August 4, from 9:00h-11:00 for the best Bloody Mary breakfast in Alexandria.  Enjoy eggs and pancakes cooked to order along with a full steam table with bacon, sausage, hash browns, sausage gravy, scrapple, grits, biscuits, puffs and more.  $15 for adults; $5 for children.  VoluntEAGLES: Bloody Mary Breakfast -- August 4, 2024 (
August Events
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.
Board of Trustees
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Meeting 8/7/2024 Canceled

The International Convention will be held August 3rd through the 9th in New Orleans. Many of the officers will be in attendance therefore the officers and general meeting scheduled for August 7th will be rescheduled at a later date.
Fraternally yours,
Dee Dee Hodge 
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Wings and Shrimp night! 7/26/2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Join us this Friday, July 26, from 5:30-7:30 pm for a delicious dinner of chicken wings and/or shrimp served with coleslaw and corn for $12-$15. 
Give us an hour of your time to help set up, serve or clean up the meal, and you can submit the name of your favorite charity for a chance to receive a $500 donation from a generous member.  VoluntEAGLES: Shrimp & Wing Night -- July 26, 2024.
Stay tuned for a message about the lineup of events in August.
Board of Trustees
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Grilled Pork Chop and Sides 7/19/2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We're trying a new menu this Friday, July 19!  Come to the Rathskeller between 5:30-7:30 for a grilled, 10-ounce pork chop with macaroni and cheese, green beans, and tossed salad for $15. 
As always we volunteers for a one-hour shift to help set up, deliver meals to diners, or clean up.  VoluntEAGLES: Grilled Pork Chop Dinner -- July 19, 2024i
Board of Trustees
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Volunteering and July Events and beyond

Dear Brothers and Sisters,.

Please see the list below for upcoming events at the Aerie.  Remember that each volunteer can submit a charity of their choice each time they help out.  A generous brother will donate $500 to the organization drawn at random at the end of the month.
Congratulations to the Ecumenical Community Helping Others, nominated by Don Sexton, that was chosen for June.  ECHO is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides assistance to individuals and families in need  by offering food, clothing, housewares, and financial assistance for housing or utilities
Friday, July 12.  Pasta Night.  Enjoy a pasta entree with sides for $12.  Thanks to Dwayne Briscoe for his continued willingness to cook this delicious meal.
Friday, July 19.  VoluntEAGLES: Grilled Pork Chop Dinner -- July 19, 2024.  Price TBD.
Friday, July 26.  VoluntEAGLES: Shrimp & Wing Night -- July 26, 2024.  $12-$15.
SAVE THE DATE: Crab pick will be held on Saturday, August 17.  The Annual Picnic is scheduled for Saturday, September, 21.
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has helped in the past and those who continue to volunteer.
Board of Trustees


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Happy 4th of July (closed) and more!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Wishing each of our members and the auxiliary all the best today! Happy 4th of July. The Rathskeller will be closed on the 4th so our bar tenders and trustees may enjoy the holiday. 

We have a packed July and hope to see you often! 
Come to the Rathskeller Friday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. for an all-American meal of hotdogs, hamburgers, and sides for just $10. Please send a message to if you can assist with grilling.
Our fabulous Bloody Mary breakfast is back this Sunday, July 7, from 9:00-11:00 a.m.   Eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, hash browns, sausage gravy, grits, biscuits, puffs and more.  $15 for adults; $5 for children.  All that food takes a lot of hands.  Please sign up to help at .VoluntEAGLES: Bloody Mary Breakfast -- July 7, 2024

Thanks to everyone for their patience while the parking lot was closed last weekend.
Thursday, July 4. TBD.
Friday, July 12; 5:30-7:30 p.m.  Pasta Night. Great pasta entrees and sides for $12.
Friday, July 19; 5:30-7:30 p.m.  VoluntEAGLES: Steak Night - July 19, 2024
Friday, July 26; 5:30-7:30 p.m.  VoluntEAGLES: Shrimp & Wing Night -- July 26, 2024
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has helped in the past and those who continue to volunteer.
Board of Trustees
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Updates and great food!

Brothers and Sisters,
Happy July 4th week!  Our hours of operation on Thursday are in limbo right now as our bartenders are dealing with some personal issues.  We will inform everyone as soon as possible.
Come to the Rathskeller Friday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. for an all-American meal of hotdogs, hamburgers, and sides for just $10. Please send a message to if you can assist with grilling.
Our  Bloody Mary breakfast is back this Sunday, July 7, from 9:00-11:00 a.m.   Eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, hash browns, sausage gravy, grits, biscuits, puffs and more.  $15 for adults; $5 for children.  All that food takes a lot of hands.  Please sign up to help at .VoluntEAGLES: Bloody Mary Breakfast -- July 7, 2024

Thanks to everyone for their patience while the parking lot was closed last weekend.
Thursday, July 4. TBD.
Friday, July 12; 5:30-7:30 p.m.  Pasta Night. Great pasta entrees and sides for $12.
Friday, July 19; 5:30-7:30 p.m.  VoluntEAGLES: Steak Night - July 19, 2024
Friday, July 26; 5:30-7:30 p.m.  VoluntEAGLES: Shrimp & Wing Night -- July 26, 2024
The Board of Trustees appreciates everyone who has helped in the past and those who continue to volunteer.
Board of Trustees
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