Upcoming September Events

Brothers and Sisters,
We have several more events planned for September, and we hope you can join us for all of them.
Friday, September 15, 5:30-7:30.   Delicious 14-ounce ribeye steak with baked potato, salad and more for just $25.  Can you help by making salad, serving meals, or cleaning up?
Friday, September 22, 5:30-7:30.  Shrimp, fried or spiced, chicken wings, coleslaw, and corn for $10-$15 depending on order.  As always, we need folks to help set up and take plates to the diners. VoluntEAGLES: Shrimp & Wing Night -- September 22 (signupgenius.com)
Saturday, September 30, 12:00-5:00, Fort Hunt Park, Pavilion B.  Enjoy hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, complimentary beverages, and games.  Side dishes and desserts are welcome.  FOE 871 t-shirts will be available for purchase for $15. The event is free to members and $10 for guests.  This event requires lots of hands!
NOTE:  October's Bloody Mary breakfast will be held on the SECOND Sunday, October 8.  After that, we will resume our usual schedule of the first Sunday of the month.
The Board appreciates everyone who has volunteered in the past and those who continue to do so.
Board of Trustees

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