Dear Brothers and Sisters.
We're serving chicken wings, fried and boiled shrimp, corn, and coleslaw this Friday, April 28, from 5:30-7:30. Come to the Rathskeller and get whatever combination tickles your taste buds. And please sign up for a one hour shift to help set up, serve meals, or cleanup. We rely on our wonderful volunteers to make these dinners possible. VoluntEAGLES: Shrimp & Wing Night -- April 28 (
Here is a preview of upcoming events. Watch your email, Facebook, FOE 871 website, or Instagram account for additional details.
- May 5, 5:30-7:30 -- Steak Dinner
- May 7, 9:00-11:00 --Bloody Mary Breakfast
- May 9, 7:00 -- Gaming Event
The Board of Trustees everyone who helps make these events possible.
Board of Trustees