Foundation for Women’s Cancer Golf Event

Brothers and Sisters,
The Aerie made a recent donation to The Foundation for Women’s Cancer annual golf event.
We have two Foursomes available to fill- if you are interested in either putting a foursome together or just playing- let a trustee know (RSVPs are due by August 21)
The tourney info is as follows: 
The Foundation for Women’s Cancer
22nd Annual Charity Golf Event
Benefiting Gynecologic Cancer Research and Awareness
Co-Chairs Mark & Paige Anderson and Tom Hammond
Monday, August 26, 2024
Westfield Golf Club
13940 Balmoral Greens Ave.
Clifton, VA 20124
7:30AM Registration | 8:30AM Shotgun Start
Includes: 18 holes with cart, unlimited range balls, use of practice facility , lunch, and prizes.

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